The SUIS Pudong EWU Curriculum is an innovative education system for primary and middle school students that supports diverse pathways to higher education. Building upon the foundation of national new curricula and standards, EWU integrates the best practices from both high-quality local and global educational resources accumulated over fifteen years of SUIS Pudong’s operation. The curriculum aims to solidify students’ concept-based knowledge and skill development across four major domains within a bilingual context: “Language and Culture,” “Mathematics and Science,” “Humanities and Society,” and “Arts and Physical Education.” Utilizing four core skills – “Project-Based Learning,” “Digital Learning,” “P4C (Philosophy for Children),” and “PAS (Purposeful Action and Service) ” – as the main vehicles for implementation, it fosters effective learning behaviors and critical thinking habits, enhances self-awareness of life and mental and physical health, nurtures social development, and shapes emotions, attitudes, and values. The EWU curriculum offers students a broad and comprehensive compulsory education phase with rich teaching content and learning experiences. Through diverse teaching methods and multi-dimensional comprehensive assessments, it delivers personalized education, cultivates students with distinctive SUIS traits and virtues, and lays a solid foundation for their successful entry into diverse educational pathways and ultimately into top universities worldwide.