School Bus Service Agreement

We aim to make the bus journey to and from school safe and pleasant for students. We have therefore implemented the following school bus regulations. We would really appreciate your support in helping us implement these regulations.

It will take 5 working days for Operations to arrange the school bus service after receiving the Bus Registration Form.

  1. This is an optional agreement provided by a bus company to parents. While SUIS helps to facilitate the arrangements, the SUIS board, administration and staff are not subject to any liability whatsoever arising from the family’s use of the bus service.
  2. Delays may occur because of traffic and other natural hindrances, but this does not constitute SUIS or the transport company’s failure to fulfill its obligation.
  3. Change in arrival time due to unforeseen circumstances. If the school bus cannot reach the designated pick-up point due to road conditions or unexpected accidents, the bus-teacher will inform the parents of the necessary details (such as the new pick-up / drop-off time, or the number of replacement bus) at the earliest time possible.
  4. This disruption due to unforeseen circumstances however does not constitute SUIS’s inability to fulfill its transportation obligation.

School Bus Safety Rules

Your child’s safety is our foremost concern. For that reason, rules concerning safety on the bus have been established and must be respected. Please make sure that you and your children carefully read and comply with the following rules!

  1. Students should be seated and WEAR A SEATBELT AT ALL TIMES throughout the bus journey, regardless of whether the bus is moving or standing still.
  2. Students will be ASSIGNED A SEAT at the beginning of the school year and should sit on the seat assigned to them. Younger students and students prone to car sickness will be assigned seats in front of the bus.
  3. Keep body parts within the bus. The bus monitor will ensure that windows are closed at all-time except when the air conditioner is not working.
  4. No teasing, fighting, shouting, making loud noises or using bad language. Treat one another with respect, talk quietly and politely to one another. Students should be quiet throughout the bus journey. Throwing objects, shouting, abusing other students/bus monitors/bus drivers physically or verbally are not tolerated.
  5. Students are not allowed to bring dangerous materials (i.e. knives, sharp items, lighters, etc.) onto the bus.
  6. Show respect and follow the bus Mummy’s instructions during routine and emergency situations. The bus monitor is the adult on the bus whose responsibility is to guarantee safety of passengers. Students must observe the orders of the bus monitor. Students should obey the bus monitor’s direction. If a traffic accident occurs, students should stay with the bus monitor in a safe area and wait for another bus to come.
  7. Students are forbid to chew gum on the bus. Keep the bus clean. Now throwing things, no spitting, no littering.
  8. Travel only on your designated bus.
  9. -If the student does not inform the Operations Supervisor about any changes of his/her normal school bus arrangement and this causes an inconvenience to other bus users, the student will be given a written warning issued by Operations Supervisor and signed by the Head of School. After 3 such warnings you may be suspended from the school bus service and your parents will need to make alternative arrangements to bring you to and from school for a set period.
  10. -Students cannot bring friends/other people onto the bus without having informed and obtained permission from the Operations Supervisor. A written note from the parent should be submitted to the Operations Supervisor.
  11. -Do not go home by any other means without ensuring that the Operations Supervisor and your teacher/tutor knows that you will not be using your school bus. This includes travelling home with your parents.
  12. Lost Property
  13. Any items found in the bus will be handed over to the Receptionist.


School Bus Routing

  1. Bus routes are planned before the beginning of a new school semester, based on the number of applications we have received at that point in time. Transportation will be provided to students living within a reasonable distance of the school. We might not be able to serve some locations due to distance/direction and traffic condition, the transportation coordinator will try to arrange a pick-up and drop-off point where the parent can meet the bus.
  2. Each route/pick-up point is designated to optimize the travelling time and also our number of bus passengers. Therefore, it might not be possible to comply with all individual needs. It is our desire to keep travel time for students as low as possible. Due to the fluctuation in the student population which occurs at international schools, the routes are liable to change, and the time students spend on the bus may vary during the course of a year.
  3. Buses will not enter into some residential compounds if the estate does not permit the bus to enter or the time taken up (due to buses difficulty in maneuvering in narrow lanes or exit/entrance is on the unfavorable direction) affects the smooth flow of the routes. In this case, students are required to board the disembark the bus at the main entrance of their compound.
  4. School bus will generally run their routes in the reverse order.

Parents’ Responsibilities

  1. Ensure that students are at the pick-up point at the designated time. In the morning, the school bus will wait only 2 minutes and will then leave without further warning. A school bus monitor will not call you to remind you.
  2. In the morning, if a student is late for the bus, it is the parent’s responsibility to provide transport to the school. In the afternoon, the later a student gets on the bus, the later the bus departs school which then affects all students on the bus. The bus will leave within 15 minutes after school is dismissed. If a student is not on the bus without informing the bus monitor, without prior warning from the teacher/tutor, the bus will leave without that student. Operations Supervisor will pass the information of that student who has missed the bus to school bus manager for contacting the designated staff to contact the parent and teacher/tutor of that student.
  3. Ensure an adult is present to send and collect the younger students to and from the school bus in the morning and at the end of the day.
  4. Give updated telephone or mobile phone numbers to Operations Supervisor and bus monitors for contact in case of any emergency.
  5. If parents only find out in the morning that a student will not be going on the bus, parents are expected to inform both the bus teacher and the Administration Office of the cancellation. To ensure safety of pupils, the school will not allow pupils to switch to another bus or make changes without getting the prior written approval from parents.
  6. Request for change of pick-up point
  7. Parents must notify the school in writing of any changes of address one week in advance. No immediate placement would be available if the school is not informed formally one month in advance. Upon receiving the notice, the school will re-allocate a suitable bus, re-adjust the bus schedule and inform the parents within three days.
  • Cancellation of school Bus Service
  1. Parents must notify the school in writing of cancellation request or filling in the cancellation form one month in advance. If the school does not receive the notice one month in advance, one month bus fee will be deducted from the rest of refund.

Behavior Expectations of Student Passengers

If a student’s behavior on a bus persistently gives cause for concern, we reserve the right to ask his/her parents to make alternative transport arrangements. Violations of, or failure to comply with School Bus Regulations can result in disciplinary action. In serious cases, a student’s school bus service may be terminated.

  1. First Offence: Warning is issued.
  2. Second Offence: Two-day suspension of bus privileges.
  3. Third Offence: Two-week suspension of bus privileges.
  4. Fourth Offence: Two-month suspension of bus privileges.

Serious or repeat offenders could lose their bus privileges. The school reserves the right to ban a student from using the school bus according to the above stipulated period of time depending on the offence(s). Serious or repeat offences could mean a permanent ban. Parents will when be responsible for transport to and from the school. No financial compensation will be awarded when a student is not taking the school bus in this case.

This agreement is written in both Chinese and English. Refer to the Chinese language if there are any different understandings between the two languages.

Please ensure that you understand the above information before registering your child for the school bus service.