During the week of February 28th – March 4th ISP students and teachers participated in a variety of creative activities including:

    • KS1 and KS2 Art Competitions 2022
    • In-Art Class Activities “CELEBRATING CHINA”
    • Homeroom “Shrinky Dinks” Olympic Mascots Competition
    • “Olympic Colours Day” Activity
    • “Olympic Colours Day” Activity



“OLYMPIC COLOURS DAY” Activity and ART WEEK Assembly

On March 4th, the day of Opening of the Paralympic Games 2022 in Beijing, ISP students and teachers dressed in the colours of the Olympic Rings and participated in the super cool whole Primary Activity recreating Olympic Rings Logo on the school’s field.

During the Art Week Assembly on the same day many many winners and participates were rewarded with prizes, certificates, Green Cards, and rounds of applause for fantastic effort, creativity and dedication which made our ART WEEK 2022 super special!