During this special time period, teachers from ISP are trying multiple ways to entertain and encourage our students to be more positive and creative.

Mr. Jeff from G1’s doing his SUIS Pudong News.

And Ms. Renee’s triple speed demonstration video.

Also, Ms. Echo’s personal experience of online teaching!



我喜欢天气好的时候,阳光明媚,茶在手边,看着chat里飞快闪出一个个有意思的回复;也喜欢homeroom time的时候,看学生们各显神通:拿着麦克风高歌一曲《呼伦贝尔大草原》或者跟着伴奏唱“We don’t talk anymore…….”, 演奏爵士钢琴曲或者开知识小课堂。当然我最喜欢的时候,还是提问时看着名字列表中一个个举手的图标和chat里一个个迫切的“me”,嗯,看来这个问题他们大部分都懂了。



We also won’t forget about our Green Card system. It works as normal and those who have been showing excellent behavior in online learning would get their first e-green card!

To ensure the quality of teaching and learning, we will continue the Green and Yellow card behaviour system during the online learning period.

Green Card

We will issue Green Card to Students who put a great emphasis on learning; who shows excellent virtues during home learning time: such as support parents with the housework continuously – you can provide work schedule with your parents signature.

Students need to be aware that online learning is a new type of teaching and learning. We expect all students respect the learning environment, teachers and other students, and complete the tasks that teachers set.