Time flies! Grade 8 students turned into 14 years old. In memory of youth years on Xiehe Campus, the celebration ceremony was held on May.9th and 10th.

The 14th Birthday Ceremony started with a BBQ Party. Almost every student was involved in every section of the party such as bunching the food on the sticks and baking the food on the grill. Students cooked by themselves and solved the problem as a team. Parents were pleased to taste the food cooked by their children.

Racing Car Model Making and Competition was also full of fun. All students were divided into three groups and each member of their teams got his own task. During the competition, they had to challenge themselves and learned to cooperate with each other.


In African Drum Team Building, students as well as teachers conduct a symphony orchestra full of passion with the help of professional guidance.



Students displayed their strength and the glory of the youth during all the activities to embrace what lies ahead. Parents witnessed the dramatic growth of students. The highlight was The 14th Collective Birthday Celebration Show.

At the beginning of the show, they performed a scene play to express their understanding of grow-up –to solve conflicts maturely, show empathy and face frustration and unfairness in life with courage. Afterwards, the Marshmallow Test conducted by Professor Walter Mischel inspired students to think about willpower and self-control. They expressed their thoughts with recorded videos.

Afterwards students and their parents exchanged family letters. We had no idea what students and parents wrote in letters. However, we know for sure that every word in letters touched the bottom of their hearts. Quite a few parents shed tears after reading from their kids and some kids couldn’t help bursting into tears as well.

Eddy and Dolemi’s fathers as parent representatives and Anna Yin delivered speeches and expressed best wishes to all students.

Ivonne Zhu gave a speech as a student representative to respond to parents’ earnest wishes and made a vow solemnly.

At last, the 14th Collective Birthday Celebration Show came to an end with warm applause and birthday songs.

The 14th Birthday Celebration Ceremony is Xiehe’s Annual Youth Gala. We hope every student in Grade 8 will live up to their oath, teacher’s expectations and their youth!