Students of Grade 6 and 7 joined the Second Math and PE Carnival on November27 at the Vango Sports Center.

‘Cross-Subject study’ has been one of our features in Pudong Campus and the carnival of this year is the best demonstration of this mission.

It’s well-prepared by students and teachers which include all kinds of preparation work and game design. All students shared their fabulous ideas which worked well.


All students competed against one another in their respective HOUSE groups in different events such as: ‘The Da Vinci Code’, ‘24 points relay race’ and ’Sports Sudoku’. At last, the Yellow Team was victorious and won the day.

Also part of our parents and teachers participated in the Carnival and both of them showed us passionate sports spirit and won a lot of cheers from students.


Overall, it is not only a one cross-subject activity, but also an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities of leadership, cooperation and stress tolerance which were shown by discussing their game plans, uniting as one during the game and being encouraging to one another.



The following are thoughts from the students about the event:

6A 潘镜云:In the Math & PE activity, we need a high IQ and physical strength. I gained a lot of knowledge and I am very happy.


6A 丁梓欣:It was super good, and awesome!


6B 相霁纯:I learned that it is very important to work in a team. Although our team lost, it did not change my feeling. I will never forget this past Tuesday.


7A 李宇菲: The Math-P.E activity was a great activity which contained knowledge and physical education.


7A 刘泽宇:Math-PE was a great activity. We played many games. We can also train our bodies.


7A 张安阳:I think Math-PE was a very good activity. Not only can it improve my physical skills, but it also can also improve my Math calculating skills as well.