On Thursday, January 5th, 2017 Year 1 Lion and Dragon classes visited Shanghai Natural History Museum.

The whole day fieldtrip was a part of Year 1’s learning journey focused on “Living Things including Humans”, “Plants” and “Animals and their Habitats”.  This outing was a great way for students to reflect and gather evidence of what they have learned while exploring various exhibits and displays at the museum. Students came up with some interesting questions stimulating their interest to go further and learn about topics of their interest independently.

We visited expositions representing animals and their habitats. Students watched 3D movie about Dinosaurs and had tons of fun discovering new facts about them. Of course, everybody’s favorite was an area with dinosaur’s fossils and humongous moving dinosaurs’ models!

Students independently worked on assessment tasks helping them to reflect on and record their findings.

Overall it was a very busy and super fun day. Year 1 students and teachers are looking forward to our next adventure. Maybe Science and Technology Museum?!